9名来自北京大学的本科生利用了两周的假期时间,在领队学者 Yong Liu教授的带领下,来到大洋彼岸的墨尔本大学,参与了一次次学术的交锋和文化的碰撞,将假期的种种美好可能融为一体,通通实现!
为促进两所国际知名学府的学生交流及教育、科研合作,墨尔本大学理学院面向北京大学环境科学与工程学院的本科生代表,举办了为期两周(6月26日 – 7月7日)的“北大-墨大科学营”活动(Peking-Melbourne Science Camp 2017),通过深度讲述与探讨灾害、环境、生态、气候变化、科学交流、媒体沟通等多元话题,增强访问学生在环境科学领域的专业知识及综合能力。
其中一项特色的个案研究是调查怀伊河(Wye River)的丛林火灾。为了让同学们深入了解火灾造成的影响,理学院老师带着他们沿着大洋路一路行至怀伊河,实地一探究竟;同学们还与参与灾后恢复的人员和组织进行了面对面的交流。
- 与地球科学、生物科学、森林和生态系统科学等多个学院及墨大环境项目办公室的专家进行交流互动;
- 学习科学传播的意义:科学不仅仅是科研、发现和成果,还有面向受众(包括无科学背景者)的交流传播;
- 与墨大在读博士生交流,听取他们的研究项目;
- 在大洋路之旅中看考拉;
- 参观墨尔本动物园。
· 第一组
· 第二组
· 第三组
- Zehua JING:‘We have a wonderful time in Melbourne. The landscape and the people here are all very nice. Here I learn a lot from the professors and have much fun. It's a really great experience!’
- Jingyuan GUO:‘The two-week exchange study was short and fulfilling. Not only did I improve my English skills, learn academic knowledge, but also see Australia's splendid scenery and abundant species. Really recommend juniors to participate it next year!’
- Xiaorui LIU:‘The scenery in the university of Melbourne is so beautiful. And they are so so so warm and considerate. The weather in Melbourne was so comfortable. In a word, I like Melbourne very much! Although the biscuit is so sweet.’
- Tianli TONG:‘Melbourne University is a wonderful place and people here are really nice. We had many challenging and motivating lectures which led us to think a lot.’
- Shuxin DONG:‘It is so fascinating to live in another country for several days. The exotic buildings, different lifestyle and mutable weather impressed me a lot. Also, all the lectures given by the professors were so inspiring since I did not know anything about the disaster management. This is a brilliant chance to learn about some other subjects and experience the life in a mystery country. Anyway, thanks for this opportunity.’
- Ying YU:‘In the past two weeks, I have learned much about the management of natural disasters, such as bushfire, earthquake and air pollution. It’s very important but we just don’t pay much attention to it in China. So I have benefited a lot from this program. By the way, I extremely enjoyed life there.’
- Long CHEN:‘Parting is always sentimental. Ignorance is nothing but lovely. Life is all about love. Like the pure air and the blue sky of Melbourne, the feeling of national fire prevention, the attitude of speaking based on facts, thank you all the way.’
- Xiang CHEN:‘It’s a fantastic journey where you can learn from top researchers, share inspiring ideas, work with amazing classmates and etc. Everything in Melbourne is so great that it can satisfy all your imagination about ideal life.’
- Puzheng ZHANG:‘I never learned much about flood before we decided to do this topic. However, we worked as a group and finally found some very interesting conclusions on flood management in China and Australia. I really appreciate the chance to cooperate and explore some fantastic stuff together.’